What are the rules for resellers and protecting Nord’s Trademark?

1. NORD grants to Resellers a non-exclusive, non-transferable permission to use the NORD's marks connected to the NordVPN.  The Services must be marketed and sold using NORD's marks.

2. NORD owns and retains all rights, title and interest in and to the marks, services and underlying source code, which is confidential and proprietary to NORD and protected under applicable intellectual property and trade secrets laws.

3. Reseller is prohibited from using NORD's trademarks, including but not limited to, "NordVPN", "Nord Locker", "NordSec", "NordPass" or any other related, mistyped or derived adword or adwords in any and all online platforms and search engines, including but not limited to, administered and (or) owned by Google (Ads), Microsoft (Advertising), Facebook, LinkedIn. This includes using brand-related wording in any position of text ads, other creatives and their extensions as well as keywords. This prohibition does not apply to banners, other materials and communication on Reseller's own websites.

4. Reseller is prohibited from offering Services on the marketplaces including, but not limited to:

  • Ebay (https://www.ebay.com/)
  • Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/)
  • Allegro.pl (https://allegro.pl/)
  • Allegrolokalnie.pl (https://allegrolokalnie.pl/)
  • Aliexpress.com (https://es.aliexpress.com/)
  • Alibaba.com (https://www.alibaba.com)
  • Rakuten (https://www.rakuten.com)
  • Lazada (https://www.lazada.com)

Resellers are solely responsible for applying these provisions to the entire network of its resellers, retailers and other partners promoting or selling Services, as well as for screening for any discrepancies before and after onboarding and will be held liable in case of its network's nonconformity.