Advanced Activation Mode

When activating MarketConnect services by default, you will use the one-click method to enable the services and all the products behind it. However, you have the option to use a more advanced approach to select what products you want to provide and how they will be promoted in your client area.

To do this, on the Setup > MarketConnect page click the green Start Selling button on any service you wish to activate.

Now click the Advanced Mode link in the bottom left corner shown below.

In the first slide you will be able to select which product plans you wish to enable for your clients. I have chosen to disable the "Lite" and "Business" plans so my customers can only use "Starter" and "Pro".

You can also click the plans drop down link on the left side to select what terms you want to offer for each individual plan, for example you may only want to sell annual or monthly plans.

The interface also displays "Your Cost" and the "Recommended Selling Price" The actual selling price can be customised on the right.

Next, you can select what promotional activity will run for the service in your client area and checkout. With these settings you can decide how heavily promoted the services will be to customers who currently don't have them installed or in their basket.

Penultimately, you can enable if the product will be added to all applicable addons. We recommend enabling this option so that automated configuration and installation of the services can be completed for hosting accounts.

Lastly, check if you want the landing page link to show up in the client area navigation bar once the product is activated.

Then click Finish & Activate and the service will be activated with all your specific settings configured.

If you have any further questions on the Advanced Activation Mode please get in touch with the Marketplace team here.